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Monday, October 05, 2009


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Karen Keith

Amazing, Melony! You echo what a lot of people feel, but aren't brave enough to admit!

jennifer brandenburg

mel...meg shared your blog with me this weekend...i hope you don't mind...i am soooooo happy for you and so impressed with you!!!...what a great way for you to "think out loud"...and actually state your goals...chart your progress...and watch yourself grow...WOW...my first impression as i read your blogs was...what about writing???...that is soooooo creative...and you are absolutely awesome at it...all of your blogs are so interesting and descriptive...i feel like i am where you have been...and those are definitely my favorite writers...for instance nora roberts...and of course, all the things she is describing are things i love...homes, gardens, cooking, baking, clothes...all the things you like too...just like your fall blog...anyone would attend your fall festival!!!...and your arts blog...music blog...the best is...you are completely in the moment and appreciating all you experience...what a gift!!!...seriously...lots of people don't see it, feel it, or appreciate it!!!...love you...jen


Jen - Thank you, thank you, thank you! You know the Bburgs are not typically known for "thinking outside the box", so it means that much more to me that you get it! I've always worried about disappointing Big Daddy, NaNa, Mike . . . but then I decided that the greatest disappointment would be miserable and NOT do anything about it . . . to disappoint MYSELF. I've been amazed by the positive support I've gotten from my colleagues and friends. I think there are even more lawyers out there than I ever dreamed that wish they *could* make such a leap. I'm very, very excited about my future now!

As for writing - until recently I had not really tried writing other than technical/legal writing. I knew I was pretty good at the fundamentals of writing - grammar, punctuation, etc. - but had never considered it otherwise. I've had several people encourage me to give writing a chance, and this blog is a way for me to explore the possibilities and get to know my own "voice".

Thanks again for all of your nice comments!!!

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My Un-Rules

  • My Un-Rules
    * Be Completely Joyful * Be Completely Open to the Future & Accepting of Whatever the Future will Bring * Engage in the Process Because it's Fun and Something I Want To Do Rather than Focusing on the "Shoulds" * Go with the Flow & Enjoy the Process * Do What Feels Right, Good, and Rewarding and See What Evolves

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