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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


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Your bold shift in careers is inspiring! I will be following you to see how this journey progresses for you.

How cool that your first art was a heart... me thinks there is a lesson there! ;-)
Many Blessings!


As I noted before...your heart is beautiful and thanks for sharing your story. I think many have gone through the same feelings and me included! It's funny how you could have done so many great things in your past career but something new suddenly catches you off balance! Insecurities and worries rush back, like when you were a kid and a bit afraid of trying something new. I think it's totally normal, but everyone finds their own way. You do your art because you feel from the inside, so definitely go for it! All the best to you and looking forward to seeing more of your work. You are the right that connecting with folks and we have a great community online - really helps!


Shannan - Thanks! And thanks for pointing out the significance of the heart being my first "official" project. :o)

Linda - I really appreciate your words of encouragement. It is so rewarding to follow my heart instead of my head for a change. You are right - the art I do comes from my heart. I may not master any particular genre, but for me the creative process is what really matters. I'm so glad I stumbled upon the on-line network of creative souls!


I admire your strength and courage in taking this leap. You are so right about needing to make art for ourselves and not worrying about pleasing others with it. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your words of encouragement:)

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My Un-Rules

  • My Un-Rules
    * Be Completely Joyful * Be Completely Open to the Future & Accepting of Whatever the Future will Bring * Engage in the Process Because it's Fun and Something I Want To Do Rather than Focusing on the "Shoulds" * Go with the Flow & Enjoy the Process * Do What Feels Right, Good, and Rewarding and See What Evolves

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