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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


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I'm so glad we've reconnected at this place on the journey.
That genuine happiness --- that's the thing, isn't it?
I can't wait to see what you create for yourself!

Yvonne D

Your writing is absolutely beautiful! I can relate to every word, but not match your eloquence, I think.


Thanks Yvonne! I'm always saying that to/about other people. So nice to hear those same "your writing is absolutely beautiful" directed to little ol' me. So thank you!

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My Un-Rules

  • My Un-Rules
    * Be Completely Joyful * Be Completely Open to the Future & Accepting of Whatever the Future will Bring * Engage in the Process Because it's Fun and Something I Want To Do Rather than Focusing on the "Shoulds" * Go with the Flow & Enjoy the Process * Do What Feels Right, Good, and Rewarding and See What Evolves

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