Do you have a love/hate relationship with the qualities that make you uniquely you? Do you (or have you) ever struggled to fit in and be accepted? Then this post from Charlie over at Productive Flourishing is for you! Charlie's post expresses very eloquently a challenge I am learning many of us have faced -- how to be true to ourselves and embrace our uniqueness while still fitting into the world around us.
As many of you know, I am on a journey to reconnect with my soul and discover the career that not only utilizes my unique gifts but one about which I can genuinely say I am passionate. While many people have been nothing but supportive, some just don't get it. I can understand (sort of) the folks who think a job is a job is a job. They are content - their jobs supply their basic needs. It's the ones who say things like "But you are so good at what you do -- I just don't understand why you aren't happy." Charlie captured the heart of the matter in his post:
And since you’re hiding your true gift, it’s hard to be passionate about anything else. Sure, you can be good at something – maybe even better than anyone else you’ve met – but you know you’ll never be great at it. You want to care, but there’s a big difference between wanting to care so that you can get the approval of others and caring because it’s your thing....
That's exactly how I felt. I worked so hard at meeting society's definition of success (without realizing I wasn't being true to myself, actually) that I found I was not passionate about anything. Not really passionate anyway.
Now I need a plan for uncovering my passions, my heart's desires. Leaving the law practice was an integral first step. But that's sort of like packing your bags, gassing up the car, and leaving on vacation without a plan for where you're going. I'm not looking for a specific itinerary here, but I am starting to think a little general direction could be helpful. Even something as simple as heading West -- I can take any path that looks appealing, travel at my own pace, stop anywhere along the way to take in the sights, stay as long as I want to stay, and I can end my trip anywhere that feels like my destination (whether it be San Diego, Seattle, or Montana). Or maybe I decide that West really means East for me. All of that is a-okay. As long as I am traveling and I keep moving forward.
Unlike a road trip, however, this journey of personal discovery is more esoteric and difficult to navigate. I sort of feel like I've been sitting in the passenger's seat waiting to go somewhere. It's time to take the wheel and start rolling!
Onward and forward, my friends! I'll see you on the road!
P.S. - If you haven't met Charlie over at Productive Flourishing, let me tell you: you are really missing out! Stop what you are doing - now - and visit Productive Flourishing. You'll find a wealth of information and tools to help you accomplish your Big Things without selling out along the way.
i just LOVE that you're on this journey. keep taking those small steps forward and you will be surprised at what you discover along the way!
Posted by: shannon | Tuesday, March 09, 2010 at 03:08 PM
Shannon - Thanks! I appreciate your encouragement! And your de-cluttering initiative has been very inspiring!!
Posted by: Melony | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 02:32 PM
WOW I just read this post and did it resonate within me!! I am going right to Charlie's site… so thanks for allowing me to follow you and for sending me to the right sites!!
Posted by: ZoeAnn Yussman | Monday, May 10, 2010 at 10:54 PM