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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


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Melony, as I am thinking about your question...I realize I have thought of this before. I am about to go part time at work so that I can finish my college education. I really do not know what will happen after I complete my studies. I do know that I want a job that I feel good about, I would like for it to be financially a good fit for my lifestyle, I really don't want to work weekends, or nights for that matter. But I hope that I can continue to work on our house and make it an inviting place for our friends and family to enjoy...as well as a place that RB and I can enjoy and call our home. But most of all I want to enjoy life and be able to enjoy it everyday.


That sounds like a dream career to me.

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    * Be Completely Joyful * Be Completely Open to the Future & Accepting of Whatever the Future will Bring * Engage in the Process Because it's Fun and Something I Want To Do Rather than Focusing on the "Shoulds" * Go with the Flow & Enjoy the Process * Do What Feels Right, Good, and Rewarding and See What Evolves

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