Today I ran across this guest post on Makeunder My Life: Designing A Life with Intention. The post is from Ann of Glamourshoes and talks about how she designed her life through various stages of her life.
As I was reading, it struck me how relevant Ann's process is to where I am in my journey. I'm stuck in that "What do I want to do when I grow up?" question. And what to do about it -- the "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" conundrum. One of the basic building blocks boils down to the choice between letting life happen and intending your way through what presents itself and intentionally designing the life you want and intending your way toward it.
I've had this debate before and wrote about it back in October (here and here). I'm trying to listen more to my heart this time around. To not over think things. To be open to what the world has to offer...
Yet, it makes perfect sense that knowing myself and what energizes me will be essential to hearing my intuition and recognizing the universe's offerings.
Which brings me back to Ann. As I was reading her list of what her new dream looks like, I found my self saying "Yes! Me too!" So I think I'll use Ann's list as a jumping off point for my own dream:
What does my dream career look like?
- It will engage my creativity
- It will allow me to make my own hours -- flexible
- It will make me smile
- It will be positive and uplifting
- It will feed my spirit -- personally fulfilling
- It will include meaningful interaction with others
- It will be financially profitable, but work that I would do even if I didn't get paid
What an awesome list if I do say so myself! Reading this list makes my heart happy. I'm setting my intentions not on a particular "job" or "career" but rather on these elements. I cannot wait to see what the universe may present!
What does your dream life look like?
Melony, as I am thinking about your question...I realize I have thought of this before. I am about to go part time at work so that I can finish my college education. I really do not know what will happen after I complete my studies. I do know that I want a job that I feel good about, I would like for it to be financially a good fit for my lifestyle, I really don't want to work weekends, or nights for that matter. But I hope that I can continue to work on our house and make it an inviting place for our friends and family to well as a place that RB and I can enjoy and call our home. But most of all I want to enjoy life and be able to enjoy it everyday.
Posted by: Thomas | Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 08:20 PM
That sounds like a dream career to me.
Posted by: Lori-Lyn | Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 09:02 PM