I awoke at 7:30 this morning feeling better than I've felt in ages. No alarm - in fact, I did not have a clock in the room - just the sun streaming through the windows. And even though I'd only had maybe 6 hours of sleep at the most, I felt completely rested.
Those of you who know me know that waking refreshed is, unfortunately, a very rare occurrence. For years I've suffered from periodic bouts of severe insomnia - difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, fractured sleep . . . . Add to that a severe case of sleep apnea* and you've got a very tired Melony. In fact, waking up more tired than when I went to bed the night before is an experience with which I am all too familiar.
So when I awoke feeling like a hundred bucks this morning, I was pretty much beside myself.
Perhaps laughter really is the best medicine!
Yesterday I met up with my college friends Sarah and Greta in Cincinnati. We had a nice dinner at Teller's in Hyde Park and then went to the Amos Lee concert at 20th Century Theater. Sarah and I saw Amos Lee at 20th Century a couple of years ago and that concert still ranks as one of the best I've ever seen. Last night's concert was another great one. We had great seats in the balcony and by-passed the standing-room-only lower level. (Thanks to the theater seating in the balcony I will refrain from bemoaning the perils of being over 40 at a standing-only venue. Lucky me, lucky you!)
We had a great time at the concert. Even had a few good laughs courtesy of Lynette and John, the 50+ recently married couple sitting to Greta's left. It took Lynette a good 30 minutes to figure out which of the 3 guys on the stage was Amos. And another 10 minutes to realize she was wrong.
But the real laughs were had back at Sarah's house when we commenced with good old fashioned girl talk. We laughed until we had tears running down our faces and trouble catching our breath. The belly-aching type of laughs that hurt in a good way.
I am convinced that the good clean fun and genuine laughter are what allowed me to awake well-rested and in high spirits. Which leads me to believe that having fun isn't a treat to dangle like a carrot at the end of a hard week a la "You can have dessert if you eat your cooked spinach and brussel sprouts." I'm adding "have fun" to my list of daily requirements for good health.
At long last, healthy lifestyle changes I can get genuinely excited about!
P.S. - If you're asking "Who the heck is Amos Lee?", you can sample his music here. He is awe-some!
* Sleep apnea is a very common chronic sleep disorder in which breathing stops during sleep. It is a serious disorder that, if left untreated, can result in dangerous health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, and obesity. Sleep apnea can usually be treated effectively and easily. Although snoring is perhaps the most commonly recognized symptom of sleep apnea, not all sleep apnea sufferers snore. More information on sleep apnea is available here.