Today I stumbled upon Leah Piken Kolidas's website Creative Every Day. What a gem of a find! Leah is already living one of the principles I am hoping to incorporate into my daily life -- that of being engaged in creative activities every single day. I feel like I've bumped into a kindred soul!
Every year Leah challenges people to join her in her Creative Every Day endeavors. You can do this by joining in the challenge for the entire year. But that's not the only opportunity to dip your toes in the creativity pool, because November is Art Every Day Month!
Leah started the Art Every Day Month project some seven years ago as a personal challenge to create art everyday for a month and blog about it. While she encourages participants to create something every day in the month of November, her real goal is to promote creativity in general. Yes, the challenge comes with some rules, but Leah is quick to point out that the rules are made for breaking. In other words, participants are invited to mold and shape the project for a personal fit.
Daunting? Not at all! In Leah's own words: "Art is also loosely defined here. I mean art in the sense of anything creative, whether that be painting, drawing, knitting, sewing, cooking, decorating, writing, photography, clay, jewelry-making or whatever!"
I signed up to participate in Art Every Day Month on the spot! This could be just what I need to jump start my creative living practice. How exciting is that?!?!
Oh - remember that creativity treasure box I mentioned a couple of weeks ago? I am very excited to make it a reality and put it into use!
I can hardly wait for November to see what kinds of creativity activities I will sample and the like-minded creative folks I will encounter along the way. Let the creativity roll!