So my first attempt at beginner yoga class last week was a bust when nobody showed up but me. Nobody. No one. No students, no teacher . . . heck, the door was even locked. I could have run with the "everything happens for a reason, so perhaps I'm not supposed to learn yoga" excuse (yes, it was tempting), but I didn't. Today I sucked it up and went to another beginner class at a different yoga studio. And this time I had fellow beginner yoga students and a beginner yoga teacher. Woo Hoo!
Actually having the class may have been my greatest accomplishment today. We began with three Oms to "open our spirits to the possibilities". We then did a few standing tall stretches with conscious breathing. Success. And a couple of toe touches - another success. (Okay, that's two successes, but there weren't many more!) Next we worked very slowly through several basic yoga poses, beginning with Downward Facing Dog quickly followed by Plank Pose. And that's where my luck ran out.
At this point in the story I will remind you that I herniated a cervical disc back in February 2008. I've managed to by-pass surgery, but I still have the pinched nerve. And the pinched nerve effects my arms, shoulders, and upper body strength. I knew my upper body strength was compromised, but I was naive about the extent.
Anyway, I managed to hold the Downward Dog pose for a few seconds. Seconds that seemed like forever to me, but were, in fact, just a few seconds. For a split second I thought I might actually be able to hold out. Then we went into Plank Pose, at which time my arm and shoulder muscles started stuttering and I had to make a wimpy compromise onto my knees.
I also started perspiring profusely. Yoga is hard work -- even (or especially) beginner yoga! I was mopping my forehead while everyone else gracefully moved through the poses with at most a slight shimmer of dewy skin. I even had to take off my glasses because I couldn't see through the sweat droplets gathering on my eyeglass lenses each time I bent forward and flirted with the Dog or the Plank.
Nevertheless, the 75 minutes of yoga eventually came to an end and I was still standing, bending, and breathing. I may not have been able to do all of the poses with precision, but I made it through the entire class. I must admit that I was quite proud of myself for enduring the entire class. So I gave myself a big metaphorical pat on the back, grabbed the hand rail, and carefully descended the staircase on quivering legs. Now that has to be the great success of the day!
So what does this yoga experience have to do with yo-yos? Nothing really. Except that last night I make a trip to the local Jo-Ann Fabrics store in search of a little craft project and came home with two gadgets to aid in the construction of fabric yo-yos but no fabric with which to make said yo-yos. And it's driving me batty! I walked the fabric aisles for over an hour but couldn't settle on any fabrics. How hard can it be to choose fabric for making yo-yos??? But I couldn't do it. I tried the cottons, silks, satins, taffetas, solids, and prints. I searched the rows over, and over, and over again. Nothing. Zip. Nada. How did my casual jaunt to a craft store for something fun to do turn into a quest for the perfect yo-yo project fabric? And what's the fun in that?
I think I foresee another trip to the fabric aisles in my near future. I let my analytical, logical, left-sided "thinking" brain interrupt my creativity. And we can't have that, now can we? So tomorrow I'll make the trek again and buy some pretty fabric - whatever grabs my eye first. Might try a different craft store though. You know, just to be on the safe side.